Reports of Interest
District Attorneys Governor's Recommended Budget
Oregon Untested Sexual Assault Kit Project
Oregon recently completed the untested sexual assault kit (USAK) project which was funded primarily through a grant from the Office of the District Attorney, New York County (DANY). Including Multnomah County, a total of 15 District Attorney’s Offices participated in this project. Our success of becoming one of the first states to fully eliminate its sexual assault forensic evidence kit backlog and to also implement legislative policies that ensure consistent testing practices in the future is significantly tied to the investment and commitment of Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr., and Multnomah County District Attorney Rod Underhill. Eliminating Oregon’s backlog of sexual assault forensic evidence kits does more than just pushing a reset button. It recognizes the mistakes of the past and helps to restore confidence in our public safety system. For too long, survivors of sexual assault were left fighting for a voice. Today, through our trauma informed practices, we work with survivors of sexual assault every day to ensure they understand their rights as crime victims. We make sure they are informed of every step of the process. We make sure that their voice is not only heard, but that we listen and that we are responsive. The attached report details the results, and statewide impact, of this project.
Oregon District Attorneys Oppose Governor Brown’s Plan for Early Release of Convicted Felons: During this crisis we must strike a balance between public health, public safety and justice. ODAA has significant public safety concerns about convicted criminals, many of whom are violent, being released prior to the completion of their sentences. Such actions undermine truth in sentencing and discount the safety and security of victims who trusted in a sentence handed down by the court. We strongly oppose mass release of prison inmates and call upon the Governor and the Department of Corrections to meet their duty to keep our communities safe. Click here to read ODAA's letter to Governor Brown.
Oregon District Attorneys Respond to COVID-19 Crisis: Oregon’s Elected District Attorneys are doing their absolute best to respond to, and implement, appropriate protocols and measures to address the rapidly evolving threat of COVID-19. This is an unprecedented all-hands-on-deck situation and our members are at the heart of the public safety response. The elected District Attorneys and their dedicated staff are directing all their efforts and attention to our local communities at this difficult time. Read full statement here.
For decades, Oregon District Attorneys have been leading the charge to ensure that our criminal justice system is a reflection of the values of the people of Oregon. The people of Oregon elect their local district attorneys and they choose people who represent their ideals of communities. For a more complete view of the innovative role Oregon prosecutors have had in the Oregon criminal justice system, here is a link to a Full Report.