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Each county in the state of Oregon has an elected district attorney who is an active member of his or her community. In addition to their work as prosecutors, they are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, parents, neighbors, baseball coaches, dance instructors and people who play and have fun like you do.
Take a moment to better understand the elected prosecutors of Oregon. We think you’ll like what
you see.

Baker County
Greg Baxter

Linn County
Doug Marteeny

Clackamas County
John D. Wentworth
Malheur County
David M. Goldthorpe

Ron Brown
Clatsop County

Multnomah County
Nathan Vasquez

Columbia County
Joshua Pond
Jackson County
Patrick Green

Jody Newby
Coos County
Lane County
Chris Parosa

Crook County
Kari Hathorn
Marion County
Paige Clarkson

Deschutes County
Steve Gunnels
Polk County
Aaron Felton

Douglas County
Rick Wesenberg
Tillamook County
Aubrey Olson

Gilliam County
Ryan Rodighiero
Union County
Kelsie McDaniel

Grant County
Jim Carpenter
Umatilla County
Daniel Primus

Harney County
Ryan Hughes
Washington County
Kevin Barton

Lincoln County
Jenna Wallace
Yamhill County
Kate Lynch

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