The Community’s Role in the Criminal Justice System
It’s a fact. All the police and prosecutors in the world can’t make a community safe if the citizens are not an active partnership with law enforcement. Individuals who choose to participate in keeping their community’s safe and hold criminals accountable are the most powerful force in crime prevention and reduction.
The Oregon criminal justice system should reflect each county’s shared value system. Every community in Oregon has the potential to reduce crime.
A strong partnership among communities, police officers, prosecutors and judges is the best crime-fighting weapon available in Oregon. When all the parts of the criminal justice system and community work together to address problems and develop shared solutions, we can achieve long-term public safety.

Here are some examples of how you can contribute to a more safe and healthy community:
Participate in or form a local community/neighborhood crime watch groups
Serve on jury duty when called
Participate in your local Oregon Citizen Reserve Academy (like this one www.cityofroseburg.org/departments/police-department/information/reserve-academy/
Contact your local DA to find out how to support the efforts of his/her office
Get to know your neighbors and local law enforcement members
Use your security system if you have one
Improve the lighting in and around your house. Make use of timers or motion sensors for your lights
Keep doors and windows locked
Consider installing security cameras
Keep your vacation dates off social media
Don’t let mail or newspapers accumulate
Report suspicious behavior around your neighborhood
Never leave valuables in plain sight in your car
Don’t keep garage door openers inside a parked car outside
Keep legal guns secured and out of the reach of children
Get involved in local organizations that support at-risk children